Handlers' Academy Positively Training

PHD Blog 78 - Bonus: Loose Livestock Training

Jul 18, 2022

Not included in PH 201

Train the dog in front of you

Positive Herding 201 is close to publication! I am excited to offer the positive dog training community a book that completes the building of an amazing herding team. My book also offers insight on how to get ready for competing at trials or working together to complete practical chores.

There are tons of training plans in 201, but I was not able to include all of the training that I did with my dogs or Sally's Renn. Every dog requires some training that is individualized for that dog. Although we can classify dogs as forward- or sideways-moving dogs, that doesn't mean that we can train all dogs in a classification exactly the same way.

Both Qwest and Renn are sideways-moving dogs that struggled with walking into stock, but Qwest was reluctant to walk in past me while Renn sometimes stalled while fetching stock. Each dog had to be trained as an individual.

In this video I am working with Sir on self-control and calmness, an intermediate step between penned and loose livestock work. Not all forward-moving dogs need this type of training, but Sir did.

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