Dawg Blog Positively Training

PHD Blog 91 - Dawg on Pair-of-Dimes

Feb 06, 2023

Dawg Unleashed # 24

Dawg: A shift in the world of herding, finally!

Hey there! It's me again, Dawg. And I'm here to enlighten you about the pair-of-dimes shift from traditional herding to positive reinforcement-based herding.

You see, us dogs live in a world where every action has consequences. Good things happen when we do what our BFFs want, and bad things happen when we don't. But when the bad things are things like getting shouted at or hit with a stick, it makes us want to quit trying.

Drumroll, please… Enter positive reinforcement training! As you probably already know, this training focuses on reinforcing wanted behavior and ignoring unwanted behavior, or at least most of it. This change can have a huge impact on your relationship with your BFF. Who doesn’t want to hear that they are brilliant, over and over and over again? I know I’m all in!

So why do I refer to it as a "pair-of-dimes" shift? Well, primarily it's because it describes a changing framework, kinda like an agility course that becomes a new course when the obstacles are shifted into a different sequence. The training contains most of the same components, but it is based on different principles.

Secondly, positive reinforcement training is just so dang cheap and easy! All your BFF needs is a few treats, a marker, and some patience, and they're good to go! No need for expensive equipment or dangerous exposure to livestock, at least not to start! Just a pair of dimes, and they're on a new path to herding and a better relationship with us dogs, the superior beings. (I gotta call it like it is.)

Thus, the pair-of-dimes shift from traditional to positive herding is a game-changer for us dogs and our BFFs. Not only is it cheap and easy, but it is FUN. So go tell your BFF to grab a bag of treats or a tug and start making some positive changes today!

We dogs and their sheep will thank them.

Please spread the herd and tell your friends!

Don't take any wooden nickels! 


PS - If you do want to help your BFF with their herding journey, and they don't already have Positive Herding 101, tell them to grab a copy. Now that 201 is out, they might as well grab both books. I endorse both books 100% paws down!

Get the book here!

Until next time, tell your mates about this blog and...

Grow the pack!

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